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E-Shit (again)

November 13, 2007 - 5:33 p.m.

Yay, E-Shit is in troooouuuuuuuubbbllllllle....

E-trade Shares Plunge By 59%

That's in one day.

Fine. I like it. They're a bunch of dumbasses, a cave full of shit-covered lying ogres with rat poop for brains. The sooner they go out of business, the better.

I'll remind you that they hold my home-equity loan, and far from being "a new way to trade," they're like a refreshing breath of flatulence circa 1954. Want to pay your loan online? We're thinking about it. Want to see your statements online? Look at your paper statements. Want to email customer service? We'll make it impossible. Want to know practically anything about your account? Our system is down. Want to know who to complain to? That's a different division, we don't do that here.

E-trade: fuck you. Go out of business. I want your buildings bulldozed into their foundations. I want your founders to die paupers. I want everyone involved in your customer service "effort" to contract genital herpes. Immediately.

As a short-term band-aid, I'm looking forward to the possibility they may sell my loan to a slightly-less-fucked-up company. This paragraph in the article above gives me some hope:

In September, E-Trade said it would exit the wholesale mortgage business and reduce balances of home-equity loans, consumer loans and securities, replacing the assets with safer forms of debt such as "prime first lien mortgages from retail customers."

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