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Cat poop and Christmas

November 12, 2007 - 10:14 p.m.

I had today off.

Know what I spent it doing?

Not honoring our war dead. Not reflecting on the price of freedom. Not planting flags at Gettysburg.

I spent it cleaning catboxes.

That's pretty much it. Every catbox in the house is now clean enough to eat out of, if you completely lacked anything else in which to put soup. And were sort of desperate for soup. And didn't tell any normal people.

Of course, they'll just crap in them. Actually, they already have. It's what they do.

Unrelated to this, have you noticed how every year, merchants complain about how shitty the sales numbers are during the "core" Christmas season, which is from the Friday after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve? So they start promoting their Christmas shit ever earlier the following year, meaning people will start doing their shopping in early November, a period that isn't part of the measured "Christmas season" shopping period? And the following year...

The WalRusMart near here had Christmas shit out on the shelves before Halloween.

And of course, after Christmas, to salvage some revenue, they discount the hell out of everything, gladdening the hearts of people like someone I know who does all her Christmas shopping for the following year completely within the week between Christmas and New Year's the previous year. She doesn't buy a damn thing anywhere near the classic Christmas shopping season.

I just get tired of listening to the merchants whine. Just fucking go out of business or something, OK? There are plenty of other dumbasses behind you who wanna try it.

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