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Interview clothes

May 09, 2006 - 4:57 a.m.

Kelly has reassured me, in the way she seems to have, that I'm in the right place. The "best of luck" email worry has faded away.

When a woman trusts me enough to ask me what to wear to a job interview, I think it's probably going to be OK. And no, I didn't tell her to wear a leather skirt and fishnets. Come on, give me some credit, OK? She's interviewing for another teaching job, but this one almost 200 miles closer to me, in a conservative area of Virginia, and a job focusing on theatre rather than English, which is what she teaches in North Carolina. I told her to find some things that contrast well... solid colors and flowing rather than tailored.

I told her, "you should not look like a science teacher, you should look like theatre." She complained that she has only two dresses and neither seemed appropriate, but she'd try to find something.

Having her within a hundred miles would seem like she's just down the block. I've driven a hundred miles round-trip to have shitty, combative dates in Springfield or Alexandria. A hundred miles one way to be with someone with good sense and a love for cats would seem like a walk down the road.

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