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May 11, 2006 - 5:43 a.m.

Some random things I've noticed lately... I figured I'd report on them.

I almost never get upset at people on the road any more. Years ago I'd often get quite mad when people did dumb or dangerous things out there... these days, I usually laugh at them. I don't think most people know how to react when they see me, arm and finger extended, in my best Bugs Bunny "what a maroon" pose.

My sleep patterns don't seem to have any meaningful relationship to either caffeine or alcohol, but they do seem to suffer when I'm around cigarette smoke. I'll have to look more into this.

Flip-flops belong at the beach. Maybe in the shower, provided you take them off the instant you get back to the bedroom. Nowhere else. Remember that I said this, and in a few years, don't complain when you can't even give away those sequinned gold flip-flops you seem to regard as dinner footwear, OK?

It seems like it's been raining a lot this spring -- it's raining right now, as a matter of fact -- but my spring still has not restarted.

When it comes to breasts, size really doesn't matter, but shape (at least to me) does. I am much more likely to notice really well-shaped breasts, whereas really large breasts catch my eye only when they're so damn big I wonder why the woman doesn't fall on her face a lot. And why is it that of the three major spherical men-attractors, breasts are the only one where size is commonly seen as a good thing? I mean, enormous asses are rather a specialty fetish, and enormous calves don't appeal to anyone I know of.

Kelly and I are almost to that "hi, it's me" stage I value so much. This is both exciting and odd, since we actually have not yet met face to face, and won't be doing so until next weekend. I think both of us are a little worried we might be disappointed, but strangely, I don't feel like we're building up bad expectations. Last night we talked about depression, of all things. Well, and cats, too.

That's all for now.

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