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April 12, 2006 - 3:51 p.m.

Well, I've finally had it up to here with snot-nosed nihilistic young assholes who've taken over yet another place that used to be good, so I won't be going back there again.

I really hate this cycle of having to find a new after-work hangout every few years. When am I going to find somewhere that gets better with age and familiarity?

I got some preliminary results back from the speed-dating thing the other night, and was pleased to see that one of the women I most wanted to hear from checked me off and said it was mutual. I sent her a note, and we'll see what happens. She was quite animated and had a truly gorgeous gaze. She does, however, live in Arlington, Land Of Precious Parking.

Not sure what I should do tonight. Probably go get something to eat, clean catboxes, and feel sorry for myself.

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