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Pretty good today

April 06, 2006 - 2:42 p.m.

Today actually feels like a pretty good day. Even if I might get a "best of luck" email later, I had a good date last night with an interesting lady, the cats didn't trash the house, and except for it being a little cold overnight, it's warm now, and that's all I care about.

I am still waiting for one outfit I do business with to find and deposit a big-ass check I sent them to pay off their account. Their website lied to me and gave me the wrong box number to send the thing to, and even though it's been two weeks now, they can't seem to find it and haven't posted it to the account. And this wasn't some big, long-distance thing: the check was mailed from Baltimore to Baltimore, a distance of about nine miles. Even Bank of America, out in California, managed to get their check and put it to good use already.

That's the last financial thing I'm worrying about at all. Taxes are all done, bills are all paid, everything's cool.

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