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It's the taking off that's the good part

November 28, 2003 - 12:50 p.m.

Penny and I went out shopping the other night. We have a couple of things coming up in December and January that might involve getting all dressed up, so we went out to one of the large department stores at the mall and went looking for formal dresses for her. She brought along the shoes she wants to wear with it all, and we looked through a bunch of things before finding three we liked.

And of course, we couldn't decide among them, they were on sale, so we got all three.

The best part about getting dressed up isn't the dressing-up, it's the anticipation of the taking-off later. While I admit that this probably isn't a big part of the thrill for, say, young girls at their first Holy Communion, for a guy in his forties who was married to a woman for whom getting dressed up seemed like it was right up there with getting a proctological exam, this is most appealing.

If we ever stop seeing each other, I am going to go through a truly horrible period of withdrawal. Hm.

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