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Dogmess, Texas

November 24, 2003 - 7:11 p.m.

The new Saab is here. It's like all the other Saabs... a little cranky, possessed of a different set of noises than the others, missing a couple of minor pieces, but solid and fast. It's also raining like hell tonight and as a result lighting the hell out of the turbocharger is probably not a good idea.

I finally figured out which of the cats is taking unauthorized dumps in the corner of the living room floor. He's been invited to rejoin his friends down in the kitchen and the back porch and quit crapping all over my house. I apologized to another cat I'd falsely accused.

Penny and I had just an absurd amount of sex last weekend. Just absurd. I used to think weekends were for relaxation, but after we go at it for an hour or two pretty much nonstop, I feel like someone has put several pallets of dog food on me and won't let me up. This coming week promises to be even more strenuous, being as it will also include the preparation and consumption of large stupid birds.

As an aside: the first time I heard that schlocky country song, "God Bless Texas," by Little Texas, I was not entirely sure that the title line of the song wasn't "Dogmess, Texas."

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