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The cat food/Cheerios connection

November 01, 2003 - 10:26 p.m.

I need to get a better handle on stuff. I really can't be going out of my mind just because Penny is off in the other end of the country. Today sucked. I painted part of the house by myself, watched some football, and spent some time talking to the cats. I'd have loved to go see Mary, but she was spending the entire day with this new guy, Dave, she met, and between that and starting a new theatre production next week, she just didn't have any time.

I really have to admit that another part of my agenda on that is to make sure that she isn't going through some latent hurt because I chose Penny over her as the woman I'm serious with (and more to the point, sleeping with) last month. We make pretty good friends, but I really worry that she's got some buried hurt in there and I want to get it out in the open if it's there.

I re-aggravated my ankle walking in the soft-and-uneven back yard, so I am less mobile than I was this morning. Pretty much everything else is going OK. Got another microwave and a small side table tonight, so my living room (formerly the dining room) feels like somewhere to live. The new chair is perfect for sitting here with the laptop, doing email and writing this, while watching Virginia Tech kick the living shit out of Miami.

If the teams I like can't win, at least the teams I dislike should lose!

I smell Cheerios somewhere for some reason. Maybe it's the cat food out on the porch. If you've ever looked at the recipes, Cheerios aren't really much different than cat food in either the ingredients or the manner of preparation.

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