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Fickle fucks

October 31, 2003 - 4:34 p.m.

This is one of those nights where being by yourself really sucks ass. Everyone I know is doing SOMEthing. Me, I'm going to go get a beer, then go home and wrestle with technology and cat litter.

This blows.

Penny is out in the West at some business meeting all week, and everyone else I know is doing... something.

And what is up with the banner thing? I put the banners up, you all love me, and then the banners stop running and my hits drop through the floor again. Fickle fucks, aren't you?

Speaking of fickle fucks, I think I've worn out my wiener. It's all kinda sore and sensitive, like I've been wearing steel wool underwear and masturbating with a battery-terminal cleaner. I blame overuse of those body parts and underuse of suitable lubrication. In any case, I've got a week to regrow the skin down there. Hopefully I won't end up with calluses or anything like that.

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