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I wonder about

October 22, 2003 - 4:53 p.m.

The Steves of the world have shown up again. Last night, I was out with Penny at a place we go sometimes, and she told me that Steve, the guy she decided she wasn't going to continue seeing, had IMed her the other night.

The guy is showing his Steveness at every turn. The best, most romantic thing he could come up with to entice her back into seeing him (or, probably more realistically, into having sex with him) was "how sexy she looked walking naked across the bedroom."

Sure, yeah... she DOES, but if that's the best you can come up with, why not give it up?

She also told me that she really, really was disturbed about something Steve used to do in bed. No, not the talking-dirty stuff, not the million-miles-away, brain-absent way he had. No, she said that not just once, but a couple of times, he would put his hands around her neck. Like, choking pose.

I wonder about Steve's ex-wife.

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