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Public Service Announcement

October 19, 2003 - 9:04 p.m.

I have been slowly compiling a list of factors which should automatically disqualify people from driving in the left hand lane on limited-access highways. I am not sure I'll ever get it finished, but here it is so far:

$50,000 fine and five years in prison for driving in the left lane if:

  • Your car displays license plates from the state of Virginia

  • You have Shriner badges on the back

  • You have a handicap plate or hang-tag

  • You have a license plate liner that reads LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY GRANDCHILDREN

  • You have a bumper-sticker advertising any kind of herbal medicines

  • You own a conversion van, even if you're not actually driving it then

  • You have an anti-abortion sticker

  • You are over 60 years of age and your mouth is open

  • You are an African-American woman and any of your fingers are in your mouth

  • Your head is not vertical when you talk on a wireless phone

  • There is a notepad suction-cupped to your windshield

  • You are driving the same speed as, or slower than, the people to your right

  • You are wearing a hat

I figure this list will grow, but I'll probably be too bored to add to it. Feel free.

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