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Beisuboru and cat whiz

October 16, 2003 - 2:51 p.m.

You know, I suppose I should redo the layout of this site some. Everyone else has such classy and interesting layouts, and here I am, still using the out-of-the-box layout from DiaryLand.

Yes, it's site-envy, folks. I think I run out of enthusiasm after working on web development all day, and just don't feel like doing it when I get home at night. My regular website hasn't had a makeover in about three years, and it's been online since 1994 (yes, they had the web back then, although it was powered by steam as you might remember).

Spent last night watching Boston win, the Cubs lose stupidly, and drinking and eating a lot. Penny came down to join me and to take my mind off a couple of really attractive women down the bar from me (yes, I still look but I don't touch). Then we went to her house and fucked each other truly senseless. She was very careful and didn't whack me on the ankle no matter how passionate things got, and I slept terrifically well afterward. She really has a great bed.

My own bed will contain me this evening. I got some new flannel sheets... green flannel that's so heavy it's like the covering to some really soft billiard table. Hopefully by the time I get home the cats won't have tracked litter into the sheets or something like that. Tonight I get to watch the Red Sox win all by myself, and work on some things.

Fork. I just remembered something I need to pick up. The little end on my cable TV line in the dining room broke off the other day. The cats had whizzed on the cable at some time in the past, and the whiz corroded the connector on the end and it broke off. Got to go to Radio Snack and get a new end or something. Gold-plated, I guess.

Then I can watch beisuboru all night.

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