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October 14, 2003 - 5:24 p.m.

I'm still in some pain, and my ankle looks like I wrapped it in raw meat for a couple of days, but I can function.

Penny is coming back from California tonight, and we're supposed to meet for dinner. Then, we get to go to our respective houses and not fool around (I guess). Right now, I don't much feel like fooling around. I suspect that if I was having sex with a woman and she accidentally kicked my ankle in the throes of passion, I'd probably sucker-punch her or something. Maybe I should go pick up a midget whore or something. I might get kicked in the knee, but not the ankle.

I got a very strange email last night. It purported to be from the brother of one of my oldest friends, a teacher who lives around Baltimore. Almost nobody in the world knows that this woman and I have been friends for almot 25 years, but out of the blue, I get an email from MSN saying this person wants to IM me last night. I got it a couple of hours later, tried emailing him back, left the MSN Messenger client open... nothing.

Then again, I also called the woman and left a message on her phone asking her to call me, and I've heard nothing so far. Of course, now my mind is running away with ideas that something happened to her and to find clues, they went looking through her Macintosh or something. Shit, I hate it when people don't give me more information, only enough to make me worried.

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