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Making it all about her

October 04, 2003 - 6:15 p.m.

Some people just don't get that the whole world isn't about them.

I have this one cat. Tucker is absolutely certain that whenever he sees me, he must run run run to the other side of the kitchen and try to hide or something. Most of the time, I could not possibly care less about Tucker, but by making a big deal about my presence (while the other cats basically ignore me) he's way overestimating his importance in the world.

So, now to the real point of this: there's a former friend we'll call Denise. She managed to interject herself into the middle of a breakup I had last winter with the sister of an acquaintance/drinking buddy. In the process, she managed to make it all about HER, and managed to make it worse (yes, I know these statements are redundant). Anyway, I pretty much ignored her, because during the course of this she managed to come off seeming like the unmedicated depressive with paranoid tendencies I think she is. Oddly, the woman I stopped seeing has come to be a sort of online confidante and we've stayed in touch. Not quite "friends," but not just acquaintances, either.

Zoom forward... last night I was out after work and heard that a bunch of people I used to hang out with at once place for happy hour found another place they liked better. I stopped by to check it out, and sure enough, after a while, Denise stopped in and seemed completely spazzed out that I was there. Never mind that I didn't say more than "I've seen you before" to her, then ignored her and talked to the dozen or so other people who were there. She was absolutely certain that I had somehow specifically gone there to freak her ass out.

I went there for beer, actually. Sorry, Denise... the Red Hook ESB is much more palatable than your little one-woman soap opera ever was.

Pardon me while I fart.

I hate it when a perfectly good 33-year-old's body is stuck with the mind of a high-school cheerleader. Me, I'm too old to give a shit.

Cue SFX: sound of spitting

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