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Bad uses for beer

October 05, 2003 - 7:01 p.m.

OK, remind me to always buy the extended warranty on little expensive items. The other night when I was out at Mangia with the refugees from the bar I used to go to for happy hour (where Denise did her soap-opera), I spilled a beer on the table. A fine waste of a Red Hook ESB. I didn't realize some of it had got on my PDA, a rather expensive Sony.

Last night I discovered it had gone bananas and taken about a hundred pictures of the inside of my pocket and refused to listen to reason (though it DID listen to the reset button). Today, I took it back to CompUSA, and they gave me a new one, no real questions asked. Had they sniffed the thing, I think they'd have been able to figure it out. But hey, I just this one time bought the two-year extended warranty, so... gimme. Save me from my own spastic idiocy.

Nice weekend with Penny... went out to a place for a drink last night, ran into a guy I work with who lives nearby, and left before a too-loud funk band got rolling. Then we went home and screwed each other senseless. I think Penny set some kind of record by managing to drench my knee.

Today we went out looking for clothes. She picked up some really sexy but tasteful black pumps with ankle straps and what can be best described as a cheerleader skirt for adults. Black wool, big pleats, looks terrific on her. Oh, and a pink sweater to go with it. The joys of being with a woman who is hitting her sexual peak at the same time as she's lost 35 pounds and is back to a size 10 again for the first time in years...

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