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September 23, 2003 - 6:15 p.m.

You know, eventually I will meet a woman who doesn't disappoint me much, and this stage of my life will end.

Jeannine has decided she doesn't want to have sex with me, mostly because she "already has a lover" and doesn't want to be too "sluttish."


Things are definitely over with Penny. We had a very strange talk last Saturday night and then again Sunday, and she really has a fixation on this guy with the hairy back who can't spell. So, she's gone out of my life, at least for now. In an hour or so she's supposed to bring down the last of the stuff I had at her house, and that will be that. Of course, the full story is far more complicated and I don't feel like retelling it just now. You'll all just have to sit and spin.

Mary is drifting away. That's mostly my doing, I guess. I can't bear to be with her when both of us know I want to be somewhere else. Being Number Two in someone's life blows donkey dong and I wouldn't want to put anyone through it.

I really put a hurting on myself last night. A friend and I stayed out WAY late, talking and drinking, and I was pretty well incapacitated. One of those times you wake up and think, why the fuck do I do this to myself? And vow never to do it again, till you do.


For some reason several interesting women have been contacting me out of the blue. I am having a hard time getting enthused about them.

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