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Feeling educational and feeling like crap

September 25, 2003 - 3:41 p.m.

Are you tired? I am damn tired lately. I don't know what it is... probably a combination of eating little, drinking a little too much, and rather heavy stress. I played around with my antidepressants earlier this week to see how long I could go without taking them. Not a successful experiment. I got to two and a half days, and got hit with a really severe withdrawal reaction all in the span of about two minutes. Sweating, feeling ill, fuzzy, headache. Time to zip out to the car and get the pill... an hour later, I was fine.

Mary and I went to dinner last night just because we felt like it. I had way too much pasta, and then we had way too energetic sex. Mary has recently discovered (or rediscovered) the art and science of female ejaculation, and getting there is rather... strenuous.

Today, I feel burned out and tired. And, thanks to the "never-ending pasta bowl" at Olive Garden last night, I've had some intestinal storms going on.

Yeah, guys... those of you (and women, for that matter) who think that female ejaculation is an urban myth... it isn't. In fact, somewhere around here (lemme go look) I have a link to a site that explains not only what it is, but also how to do it (it's OK, page is safe for work unless you work in Utah or something). I've now known four women in my life who've been able to do this, only two who could do it literally at will. It's surprisingly pleasant and for her, it's supposed to be the best thing yet.

All right, all right, I'll shut up so you can go read now.

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