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The degree of my slutdom

September 15, 2003 - 4:57 p.m.

I actually counted the other day. In the last year (almost exactly a year since I started dating women other than my ex-wife again) I have...

  • Responded to about 300 personal ads on four different services

  • Gotten responses or initial contacts from around 75 women

  • Met about 48 or 49 (I'm not entirely sure any more) women for at least one date

  • Had sex with 14 of them at least once

  • Had sex with 7 of those more than once

Mind you, this is one year. These numbers are roughly equivalent to the preceding seventeen years combined. Of course, I was married for eight years in there, and in another five-year stretch lived pretty much solely with the same woman.

If you had asked me whether this would happen, I'd probably just pass out.

And as usual, there are more candidates, including one who genuinely intrigues me. The non-intriguing one is blonde, Jewish and funny as hell, and sexy in a sort of odd way, but nobody I'd want to spend my life with. The other, Jeannine, is just amazing. Smart, highly educated, witty, great hair, nice eyes, kisses like nobody's business, and (of course) has just lovely calves and ankles.

I want her. I mean, to the point where parts of my body decided to relieve themselves on the way home from our first date. So much for delayed ejaculation as a side-effect of the antidepressants I take. That hasn't happened in... well, jeez, I can't THINK of the last time that happened.

If the parking garage hadn't been so public (and if she hadn't been only 5'6" even in very tall heels) I'd have probably done her standing up right there. I love it when a woman is so aroused you can actually feel the extra warmth through her skirt and pantyhose. I am nothing if not sensitive to heat! I'll hope I left her something to think about... she suggested coming to see me next weekend and seeing what happens next.


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