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My editor

August 23, 2003 - 9:59 a.m.

We're off on the road to Morocco.

Well, not Morocco... more like the Atlantic coast of Virginia and Maryland. Penny and I are off traveling... came down to Hampton, Virginia (near Newport News) to meet up with my old magazine editor and her new boyfriend, who are down here for a wedding of some kind. We had dinner last night at a place where you can grill (or destroy) your own steaks, and it was terrific... then met up with my friends at a Bennigan's down the road.

Talk about old-fashioned... the place was nearly full, and they called last-call at midnight! We spent a couple of hours talking about stuff. Last winter I had a thing for her (my old editor) but she wasn't terribly interested. A pity... she's 46 and adorable, in good shape, dresses really, really well and has a nice voice. She changed jobs a few months ago and is no longer my editor, but we've stayed in touch through IM and email. They live in Las Vegas... she met this guy (of course) on

It's odd... I tell her things in IM I don't even tell you people. She, for example, was the first to warn me that Ann was a drama queen and I should get rid of her. She was right, of course.

Oh, and of course they both had to try out the Segway. Freaked a lot of people out in the parking lot at Bennigan's. Hampton, Virginia, welcome to the 21st century.

Today's agenda is driving across open water.

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