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August 26, 2003 - 3:29 p.m.

Saturday night, I stunk.

Penny and I were in Ocean City for the evening, destroying many, many crabs. I mean, over two dozen between the two of us, and by the time we were done, we reeked of old seafood. Walking out onto the Boardwalk, we could detect crab-whiff on ourselves all the way back to the hotel, 20 blocks away, and even after changing, it was on our hands and lips. Many washings later, it was down to a manageable level.

I have to admit something: I really don't understand dance-club culture. Penny and I ended up at a place called Scandals which was lame (the worst bartender in the area code, and no wine at all), and the whole dance-club thing just doesn't get me. I just don't see people having... dare I say... a good time. They look like they're all a little shell-shocked, and the dance music all ends up sounding the same.

I just don't understand it.

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