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Hu Flung Dung

July 11, 2003 - 3:15 p.m.

Well, Phil and Margaret are rather upset with me. As predicted, they were the first two to show up in the trap I put out on the porch, baited with a can of smelly cat food. Phil, of course, got upset about being in the trap only after eating the entire can of food... Margaret got upset immediately, so when I went out to bring her in, she had flung cat food all over the porch.

Both of them are now under the beds upstairs, upset. They'll get over it. Whiskers might not... she's just beside herself over having to deal with... OTHER CATS!

I really should go home after work, but my friend Gretchen sort of shamed me into coming down and having dinner with her because she correctly pointed out that for all the times I've griped about not having anyone to do things with, she's been around and available. So, we're going to go get something to eat and catch up on stuff. I normally IM her almost every day, but this week, my PC at work has been a pain in the ass, resulting in needing to replace the hard drive, and I suspect the chat client got hosed in the changeover somewhere. Reinstalled it, and it was fine.

I ordered a new gun handle for the power-washer, too. $43 plus shipping, but it will re-enable my small power-washer, the one I took up to Penny's earlier this week and discovered didn't work.

Penny is making rumblings about wanting to Get Really Serious(tm) at a time when Mary is sounding more and more interesting all the time. I just want to have a little more time to explore, and then I'll be ready to decide some things. I refuse to be forced into a decision one way or the other. Shit, I'm not even officially divorced until 1:30 on Monday afternoon.

Everybody just let me have some time to play a little, then we'll figure it out, OK?

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