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Volcano in my yard

June 28, 2003 - 10:03 p.m.

OK, I don't ask a lot from the world. All I ask is that I can have fun once in a while, that people be good at what they claim to be able to do, and that I not have to suffer for the mistakes of others.

HA! Got you. Here you are, waiting for the "but..."

There isn't one!

I had a great day with Penny... we and the Saab went up to Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, to the 14th Annual Red Power Roundup, a tractor show devoted to International Harvester vintage tractors, trucks and equipment. I didn't show this year... never had enough time to really prep up any of the tractors or the truck. But we went up, and wandered around looking at everyone else's equipment. Had a good day drove back, had a nice dinner here with Penny and her son, had ice cream with berries I picked at my house Friday morning, and now...

I get to gloat.

Anyone who isn't me right now, well, hey, it sucks to be you. I have life by the balls this week, and it feels great. Sure, I'll probably go home Sunday and find a volcano sprouting in my front yard like Surtsey, but for now, things are good and promise to be better.

I will save a certain story about an adventure last week until I can write it from home. Put it this way: I am a complete and hopeless horndog these days and it shows few signs of stopping completely. But she was terribly nice.

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