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Robbing the simplicity

June 16, 2003 - 11:06 p.m.

I talked to Nancy for a while tonight. Shortly, the divorce will be legal and final in New Hampshire, and we were trying to sort out plans for me to come up for the final hearing. I've gotten the sense she just wants it over any way it can get over, but there's a part of me that doesn't just want to treat it like we're paying a cable bill or something. I want to be there and sense that something has changed. Something has ended, and some other somethings have begun.

As she sometimes does, though, Nancy managed to rob the event of its simplicity and closure. She's all worried now that because she hadn't lived in New Hampshire the entire required year before filing, she won't be able to answer truthfully that she had. She has an amazing talent for robbing simple things of their simplicity and closure by bringing up, and then harping on, stupid bullshit about which nobody cares. Never mind that she will have lived in New Hampshire well OVER a year by the time of the hearing, which will probably be in a few weeks. No, she's gotta worry about doing something that will probably hose the procedure all up.

She did that over and over. If I want to be cynical, I can think of many times she managed to take the wind out of sails, poop parties, and in general, rain on parades. Once, after coming home from a really good Lotusphere bearing many neat otter-related gifts I found at Sea World, she... went on about why I was spending money on such things.

I put all the otter stuff in a cabinet somewhere and have not looked upon it in years. Thanks for fucking spoiling it, Nance. Shit.

So, now to this. Nobody cares. FIB a little.

Interestingly, I just got an email from her saying that "truthfulness in a court of law is important to me," and how I might find that a little silly. Well, yeah, in light of the ease with which she sometimes lied, through commission or omission, to me over the last few years, I guess I do find it a little silly.

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