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Floor care orgasms

June 10, 2003 - 11:59 p.m.

Have to say, sometimes I buy a consumer item and it's exactly what it claims to be and does what it claims to do. Today's winner: the Hoover FloorMate hard-floor cleaner. It dealt pretty well with the cat-crud on the dining room floor, amazingly so, and I can heartily recommend the thing. It's worth the $178 at WalRusMart.

Other things were a bit more disappointing. I had dinner tonight with Lisa, a tall, beautiful, dark-haired woman that just seemed... a little light. Not shallow, exactly, but I was waiting for some connection that I never felt. Not a big worry, I was just hoping for a fairly instant connection, something like what I felt with Debra and even with Penny. True, Debra took me home with her the night we met, and I never expect that from anyone, but there seemed like there should have been a more palpable attraction on a personality level. Lisa seems... tired.

Last night, I went up to Penny's late and stayed with her. We had a very intense night of talking... she revealed a lot of sides of herself I'd never really encountered before. Self-doubt. Loneliness. Fear of rejection. Worry. We talked about all sorts of things, and went through about a half-box of Kleenex, crying. And then we had the single most incredible lovemaking session I have ever experienced. It was just amazing. I can still feel her now.

Something worth pointing out about Penny is that while she doesn't seem like she might be, she is the most wonderful lover I have ever known. I don't think anyone else is even close. Other women have been sexier, or smarter, or definably more attractive, but Penny is a magnificent, awe-inspiring lover the likes of which I didn't think existed on earth. She makes me better just by being herself.

In the morning, she got up and went to work, and I got up and went to look at a new Saab. It's a good one: strong, clean, well-equipped, fast and light. I wanted it immediately. Dave apparently promised the car to some guy who has yet to actually show up with the money, so I'll find out tomorrow if the coast is clear, then I'm going up to sign the deal. $2000, and worth it.

Debra has been sending some strange signals. She broke it off with me a week or so ago, but today she sent an email which closed, "I do miss you." And she has been sort of hinting she'd like to see me, though I'm not sure what the circumstances will be. Most of my women friends are sure she wants me back, but after last night, honestly, I am having a hard time explaining to myself why I would ever want to be with anyone but Penny.

I suppose I will find out.

I have furniture and cats to move around, so off into the ether with this.

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