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New pills

April 08, 2008 - 2:38 p.m.

One of these days, I will figure out how my doctors choose medication for me. If they'd just admit that they pull it out of their ass, I'd be happier.

I've been having severe problems sleeping for most of the last year, and some problems going back at least five years. I had a really bad experience on Ambien a couple of years ago and have really tried to avoid pills as a result, but things have just gotten so bad I'm willing to try just about anything to get my sleep cycle back where it belongs.

I went over yesterday, and they gave me a prescription for Dalmane. I couldn't pick it up right then, because it was on order, but I did Google the stuff and I am now extremely wary of the stuff. It's a fairly old medication and it's most often used to treat anxiety and the like, but also acts as a sleep aid.


Among other things, it has a very long half-life, anywhere from two days to a week, and all the literature warns about next-day grogginess and the potential for dizziness.

How the fuck am I supposed to drive to work????

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