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Our Flemish overlords

May 26, 2007 - 11:26 p.m.

I am actually very curious about the way the house will change with the addition of the future megawabbit. I mean, I can see him (we assume it's gonna be a him) becoming a very large object in the house, like, shit, be sure to step over the megawabbit while you're on the way to the bathroom... not because you might hurt him, but you might break your foot on him!

Suzanne and I were out in the front tonight, bringing the midiwabbits in after their evening frolic in the yard, and I told her, yup, I am already thinking ahead... lift with the legs, not with the back!

We went out today and got a bunch of plants... some muskmelon vines, a few jalapenos, and a tomato which will live in a large pot on the porch. And... a big, spectacular Jackson & Perkins Gold Medal patent rosebush which already has a few amazing yellow blossoms on it. Never mind that my given-up-for-dead-in-2002 rosebush now has more than a dozen blooms on its antique ass, the plant that was planted in the place that Nancy's old Blue Moon blue rose died years ago, this J&P plant is just stunning.

I care a lot about the plants lately. I had them on autopilot for years after my marriage ended, and the fact that I'm more concerned with the plants than with the cars means I mean to stay home a lot more.

I guess that's good. We spend good money being here. We live here.

We. Live. Here.

I, for one, welcome our Flemish wabbit overlords.

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