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How we livin'

May 15, 2007 - 4:59 p.m.

Ah, tits.

I just got confirmation that Scope Mooth Mint flavor mouthwash was definitely discontinued. Since I haven't been able to find it in months, I've been making do with Citrus Splash, but I did like the Smooth Mint much better. I might have half a bottle left in one of the cars or something, but as far as buying more, it's all gone. Apparently devotees of the corresponding Crest flavor, Tartar Control Smooth Mint toothpaste, found out the same and are rather upset. Seems like they (Colgate-Palmolive, I think) could keep it around. It really was better.

Speaking of better, we've added a small but mighty gadget to the house, an Apple Airport Express wireless base station and media streamer. Basically, not only can you use this this to share an Ethernet connection wirelessly (which I don't really need) but you can also share a USB printer across the network and you can ship your music stream to it from any iTunes-running machine, Apple or Windows. We were sitting out on the porch last night having chicken and listening to jazz streaming from my iMac upstairs, to iTunes on Suzanne's MacBook, and thence to the Airport Express for playback through the big stereo and speakers (and subwoofer).

Remarkable little device, fairly easy to set up, flawless in operation, and only ninety-nine bucks.

I am a bit worried about Suzanne... she's been way too worried about this job stuff lately. Sure, yes, I'd like for her to get a job and do something she finds interesting, but at the same time, it's not like anyone's forcing her to take whatever comes first. In fact, I'm discouraging jumping into a crappy job just to have a job. We don't desperately need the money (though doubling our household income would be useful) and she can always find something useful to do during the day.

Not that she always does, mind you... I come home and end up cooking, doing dishes, doing laundry and vacuuming because Suzanne hasn't attempted any of those things during the day. I suppose I could be annoyed about it, but realistically I don't much care as long as things eventually get done.

I'm practical like that.

Of course, this leads to situations where stuff sits in the same place on the living room floor for two or three years simply because there's no particular need to move it elsewhere. This explains the two large stereo speakers just inside the front door, currently used as a place to put down bags of groceries.

That's how we livin'.

In other news, my stepmother emailed me a picture of their new dog. An actual German shepherd, definitely a non-doofy dog like most of their recent dogs. The last German shepherd we had was back in 1968. Jewel liked to chase trains -- the Lehigh Valley double-track mainline ran past the house then -- and one day, she caught one. She's buried out near where my mother had a rosebush many years ago.

I suppose I should write some more code, but I'm not feeling all that energetic right now. I should... the rest of the week is coming, and more money shows up on Friday. Yay. Corporate Murka will be very pleased to receive large pieces of it.

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