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A steaming crock of shit, please...

May 04, 2007 - 9:09 a.m.

You know, the first few times I saw this, I thought it was amusing, a nice little gag to placate women who didn't have anything better to worry about all day.

Here it is, though, 2007, and this self-delusion is still going on!

I call bullshit.

Basically, this study is about "what would stay-at-home moms earn if they were actually paid for the value of what they do?" This year, they came up with a value of somewhere around $138,000.

One hundred thirty-eight thousand dollars.

Do you make that much? I don't.

Let's have a look at this crock of steaming fecal matter, OK?

Here's a quote: found the job titles that best matched a mom's definition of her work to be (in order of hours spent per week): housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO and psychologist. New job titles that made the list in 2006 include psychologist, laundry machine operator, computer operator, and facilities manager. The job title of nurse fell out of the top 10 this year.

Here's a real simple reality check for this: you SAHMs wanna get paid for doing these things you volunteered for? Go out and try getting hired to do any of these professionally, without professional credentials. I dare you.

Are you fucking kidding me? PSYCHOLOGIST? COMPUTER OPERATOR?

Who the fuck thought this crap up?

I'm sorry, folks, but even stay-at-home moms wouldn't hire one of their numbers to be a psychologist, day-care center teacher or nurse for one of their precious children. Why? Because, the fact that you may do things that YOU think is similar to what professionals in a field do doesn't mean you could earn the money they make to do it.

Brushing your teeth does not make you a dentist!

Wanna know what SAHMs would really earn for doing the childcare stuff they volunteered for? Look at what their peers pay other adults to do that work professionally.

Child-care worker: $7.34 an hour.

Yeah. You think this work is so goddamn valuable? Go try to get your neighbors to pay you $138K a year to do it. Yeah. Right.

Parents who so "value" their little runts sure don't show it in terms of what they're willing to pay others to do the work they volunteered for. Around here, a clerk at a convenience store makes more than a child care worker. You value the labor of the guy who makes you a latte more than the labor of the people who watch your kids.

Don't give me that crap about how "valuable" mom's work is. This is America, and we have one overwhelming value structure for what something is "worth":

What can you get someone else to pay you for it?

And for you, stay-at-home mom, that is seven dollars and thirty-four cents an hour.

Get over your fucking delusions.

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