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Fun fooling with technology, and the moon

April 30, 2007 - 3:43 p.m.

Mr. Woodchuck turned out to be no smarter than his predecessors. Suzanne and I were carrying an old mattress set out to the barn on Sunday, and between Giselle and the old Saab there was a bloated, smelly carcass of Mr. Woodchuck, on his back. It was obvious he'd been there a few days. I got the snow shovel and carted him to the fence, then tossed him about twenty feet beyond it. Bye, Mr. Woodchuck. I figure what happened was that he got hit in the road, and then crawled into the driveway to cack out, rather than just dying in the street.

Suzanne is starting to get rather obsessively worried about finding a job, and is in that stage where one gets to be like, "I'm worthless, the world doesn't want me, it was a mistake to leave that last job even though it sucked ass."

It's been a while since I've been in that mindset, but I remember it, and told her that she had nothing to worry about. I think her involuntary vacation is starting to wear on her.

I took some truly amazing shots last night with the Nikon D50. The only light? An almost-full moon. The shots are amazing... they look like they were shot in full sun, but I assure you, they were shot between midnight at 2:00am. Long exposures and a spectacularly-sensitive CCD in the camera combined to make strange but lifelike images.

In other tech news, I managed to get the server here -- a homebuilt Intel-based Windows machine -- to run a native image of Mac OS 10.4.1 for Intel processors. Almost everything worked the first time (something Windows would never do) and the thing even went out and found a couple of software updates for me without my having to tell it to.

That's right... a normal PC running Mac OS without an emulation layer.

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