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A simple solution

January 10, 2007 - 4:13 p.m.

I know I've said this before, but for all the discussion I hear lately about how to solve this or that human problem, whether it's global warming, housing prices, energy costs, traffic, school overcrowding, or any of a number of other things you're likely to hear about on the news, there's still only one long-term-viable solution, and nobody ever seems to bring it up.

Stop making more humans.

That's it. There's absolutely no "problem" that humans have caused that can't be solved by just ending the production of humans nobody really needs and that can't be afforded by the planet.

I am pretty sure I've said that before.

In other news, I read the announcement of Apple's iPhone yesterday, and while I'm not sure I could live without a "real" keyboard for the thing, there's one amazing feature I think I'd adore on any wireless phone, particularly the one I use now. That feature is a proximity sensor so that the touchscreen on the front of the phone disables itself when it realizes your face is up against the phone. On my present T-Mobile MDA (aka the I-Mate K-Jam, HTC Wizard, Cingular 8125 or QTek 9100), you have no idea how many times I'll end a phone call to discover that my ear has started about ten different Windows Mobile applications without my knowing it. There's no way to lock the touch screen during a call, and also (thanks to Microshit) no way to move the "start" menu to some other, less ear-friendly part of the screen.

I am delighted that the iPhone runs Mac OS. If you've never used Mac OS, you would be astonished at how good it really is. I've become extremely spoiled these last couple of years.

The Whale is now the remaining Mystery Pooper, I'm pretty sure. There were a couple of poops in unauthorized locations when I got home last night, and they both looked like hers. Problem is, if I put her in the kitchen with the other poop-bandits, she'll just cause problems down there. It's almost time to think about adopting her out to someone else, a house where she can be the only cat. She's too much of a pain in the ass to all the other cats (who get along with each other just fine) to warrant penalizing them for her ongoing pain-in-the-assitude.

Hard decisions sometimes have to be made.

Suzanne's remaining Christmas present showed up yesterday!

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