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That was easy

January 08, 2007 - 5:08 p.m.

The airbag-warning light lit up on the diesel on my way back from Suzanne's this morning. Some dumbass slowed down to zero miles per hour in the EZ-Pass lane on the Delaware Turnpike, and I had to nail the brakes and the horn at the same time before I saw their troutlike face pop up in the rearview mirror and realize, oh, there are other people using this highway! They sped off, embarrassed, while I stalled the diesel and yelled at them to go home.

Anyway, the airbag light turned on, so I must have jammed something in the steering wheel went I went for the horn. I'm not big on airbags, but the light is a little annoying. If I can't find some easy way to reset it, I'll probably just pop the cover off the warning light and remove the bulb. Annoyance solved.

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