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I'm out here, writing to you

November 03, 2006 - 11:42 p.m.

There's one thing I am kinda tired of.

Here it is, Friday night. All day, Suzanne emailed me, saying how much she was looking forward to seeing me, and how much she was looking forward to fooling around, and teasing me by telling me about what she was wearing under her work suit.

I drove 154 miles to be here. Suzanne had a nap for those three hours. I get here, she insists she's hungry and wants to get something to eat, so we do. We get back here maybe 20 minutes ago.

She's in there, sleeping.

I'm here, writing this.

Passivity is not attractive to me at all. I spent eight years with a woman who laid there waiting for me to do something. I am not going to spend the next period of my life with a woman who's just going to fall into a babyish sleep rather than show some enthusiasm for being with me. She needs to change that, and fast.

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