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No brakes

August 14, 2006 - 11:21 p.m.

You know, I've been waiting for the summer to get better, and for the first time in years, I can really say that I don't think it can. Summer with Melody was difficult and sort of up-and-down... summer with Sarah was a half-baked dish. Summer with Penny had a big commercial break in it. Yet here I am, it's mid-August, and I can really not imagine how things can get drastically better. They're already so damn good, I...

I fear it a little.

I have no yet screwed it up, and I can't see a way I will. Or a way that Suzanne will. All that could happen would be some sort of dire disaster. When she left this morning (at 3am) and I didn't hear from her in the morning, I was a little worried, but she got home just fine, albeit tired. The brakes in her Impala were perfect.

I like it when I do a good job.

By the way, if you haven't looked at yesterday's entry, please do.

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