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Phone home!

February 24, 2006 - 4:00 p.m.


Somewhere out there on the landscape is my wireless phone, ringing without me. Or, as the case may be, not. I call it and it kicks over to voicemail immediately. I know about the time I last had the phone, which is around midnight last night, since the phone and the Sony Clie talk to each other to get mail. Every ten minutes last night, the Sony polled the phone... until about midnight, which was also about the time a friend and I were going to head over to 7-Eleven to get some highly-nutritious taquitos.

So, I have this vision of it, crushed flat on the pavement somewhere. All I want is the SIM out of the thing, and then I can get another phone or use my older Ericsson backup phone. Without that SIM, I'm hosed.

I just called and found I can get a new one, but of course, there are numbers on the old phone that aren't anywhere else. And yes, at least two of them are women. Cute women. I am pretty sure I can check my T-Mobile account online and get those numbers, though...

I frickin' hate when this happens.

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