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I am

January 13, 2006 - 1:55 a.m.

So, who is this guy?

Some of you have read this site -- I won't call it a "blog" because my online writing predates the invention of that word my a number of years -- might be coming in in the middle and wondering who I am.

Well, here I am:

  • I come home, and say "hi, you cows!" to my cats every night
  • My late mother's picture is on my dresser. She was 17 when it was taken, which means I have computers in this house and tractors in my barn which are much older now than she was then
  • I am horribly lonely since my divorce in 2003
  • I have had more sex since my separation than in all the 22 years prior
  • I have a lot of gray hair I hide quite artfully
  • I know how to kill you
  • I have less than 25 years to live
  • I am late returning to Apple computers, but I do adore them as much as ever
  • I can kiss like nothing you have ever known
  • sex... ummm... the same
  • I will miss my father when he dies, even though I know it'll be sooner, not later
  • I still miss my mother, though it's now been thirty-seven years... I visit her grave more than anyone else in my family, though I'm 350 miles from it
  • I adore women

And I'm more than this, too.

I am me.

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