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Where have you gone, Bobby Haldeman?

October 27, 2005 - 11:34 p.m.

He's gonna do it.

The Washington Post has already posted an item dated tomorrow (well, OK, it's only 26 minutes away -- tomorrow, tomorrow, you're only a day awaaaaaaaaaay) where they appear to be unsure if Libby and Rove will be indicted by a Federal grand jury for putting a CIA operative in danger because they were pissed at her husband for stating (correctly) that the emperor's ass is glowing in the dark.

Fitzgerald is gonna get an indictment. The last White House chief of staff to face indictment? Bob Haldeman.

Yeah. Him. That Bob Haldeman. Nixon White House. 1973.

Karl Rove is worse. Why? Because he's smarter than Haldeman. Or, he thinks he is.

He is not. I watched Haldeman, Mr. Rove. You are no Bob Haldeman.

He's gonna do time. Federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison.

Those fucking jackasses. I thought that Nixon rehabilitated himself after his resignation. Bush has achieved a more abstract plane where he neither has to feel bound by the actions of his "good buddies" (Nixon had no such thing) nor can he be absolved of responsibility through Alzheimer's. Reagan got off with that.

They're all going down.

I... like it!

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