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Claws and bad opera

June 16, 2005 - 2:30 p.m.

OK, I spent lunch today considering this and reading Sarah's latest emails... I don't know what's going on in her head, but I am more and more certain I don't want to be part of it.

I adore my cats. I let them sit on me for extended periods of time, and frequently. However, when they starting clawing me, I do not adore them at that moment, and carefully unhook their claws, put them on the floor, and lecture them about the proper use of claws. Then I squeeze their heads and all is well again.

Sarah has claws. She does and says little clingy things that bug the fuck out of me. As I mentioned, we're sort of on hiatus from each other, but the more I look at it, the more I really don't think I'll be returning therefrom. Her latest email practically insists that I go see other people (and hints that she'll be doing the same, though I doubt it) and then makes coy remarks about the assumption that I've already done so, which I haven't.

I am carefully unhooking her claws and putting her back on the floor. I'll skip the lecture about proper claw-use, because there's no point.

I did get, out of the blue, an interesting email from a woman in Baltimore. I told her up front I was mostly just interested in meeting friends, and she's perfectly fine with that.

I do so like it when things are low-key. Right now, things with Sarah have become bad opera.

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