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Is anyone really dating anymore?

June 15, 2005 - 1:48 p.m.

It seems like nobody I know is really dating any more. Dating, as in, "seeing people for purposes of social recreation and occasional kissing." Everyone I know is either sitting home by themselves as an act of conscious will, or they're living with or married to someone (which does not count as dating in any book I've seen).

Right now, I am more or less in the "sitting home by themselves" camp. Sarah and I are not actively seeing each other (for now) but it's not like I'm actively seeking anyone else out, either. I'm just... tired of it. Tired of meeting new people, I suppose. If I'm going to invest the energy learning someone, I'd like to not do it in small loops, but a long line. A vector.

Speaking of vectors, I find that I have more ideas for podcasts than time to produce them, though I will likely put another one out there tonight if it's not too hot in the house when I get home. I also have a metric assload of music I need to hunt down as part of the playlist for my 25th reunion, which I am DJing next month. I put up a website (no, you can't see it) where my former classmates have been posting their requests, so that I can find them now and have them on hand then, rather than standing there stupidly, saying, "uh, no, I didn't think anybody would want to hear The Archies' 'Sugar, Sugar,' actually..."

And no, no one has requested that. But as someone who actually owns The Partridge Family Christmas Album, I am prepared nonetheless.

iPod: 5,400 tunes can't be wrong!

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