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Oh, to work

September 29, 2004 - 12:47 p.m.

Sometimes redoing a resume (which I haven't done in nearly ten years now) can be a fairly affirming task. I set about doing it the other day, realized I really have accomplished a lot here.

Nevertheless, I think it's time to get out. Thus, redoing the resume was only a step along the process of also sending it in to another place -- a rather appealing DC-area employer with better benefits than here and fewer hassles -- just to see what comes of it. They had several spots listed in my specialty field, but none of them seemed quite as senior as what I do here now.

I have been here ten years already. When I think about that, it alternates between pleasing me and appalling me. I should have accomplished more, and in a less ass-fucked workplace, I would have, but then again, I've accomplished a lot compared to a lot of people around here. I know more than a few people who can't show much for the last ten years except the notes from hundreds of long-forgotten and meaningless meetings they attended.

I also need to put together a schedule and a budget. Over the next year I want to pay off a large chunk of debt (home equity, some cards, etc.) and it's rather difficult when I'm not sure when I have to send what where. Online bill-pay makes this rather easier in some ways, but harder in others. Without a paper bill with a date printed on it, sometimes it's actually easier to forget things. But then again, instant payment means no late fees while the almost-late check worms its way through the mail.

But I feel more and more detached, like I've built my system well and passed along enough knowledge to others such that they could run it without me. I am finally expendable by my own choice, and while I don't necessarily HAVE to move on, maybe it's time. Damn if I know.

And it'd be nice to work somewhere that has a less-casual dress code. I am going through calf and ankle withdrawal. Around here, women go from ugly stretch pants and flip-flops all summer straight to ugly stretch pants and boots until May. Oh, to work somewhere with women in tailored suits once in while!

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