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Sex addiction

May 06, 2004 - 5:39 p.m.

Is it possible to develop a sex addiction later in life? I seem to be developing one and am not entirely sure why. Doesn't matter when, or where, but if someone offers me sex, I take it. Even if they don't offer me sex, I'm open to the idea. It's absurd. I am absurd. Today I was messaging with someone and somehow to topic went from installing software to vibrators to how short her skirt was, and went on from there until I had to excuse myself and take a rather stiff walk around the building.

And no, it wasn't any of my co-workers, most of whom are actually a pretty good antidote for inopportune erections.

One thing replaces another, I suppose. I am finding that alcohol is seriously getting to kick my ass lately. Doesn't matter how little I drink -- even one glass of wine and I feel tired all the next day. I am really wearing myself out. Time to stop drinking and have more sex. Lots more. If that's possible.

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