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Putting things "in there"

December 30, 2003 - 3:34 p.m.

I've been reading a lot lately about people who practice an interesting little sexual sideshow: urethral stimulation. Yep, people who tickle the inside of their urinary tract for fun. What really threw me, though, was that there's a type of male penile piercing specifically set up to put a hollow urethral "sound" inside there, semi-permanently.


OK, picture this. Insert a hollow stainless-steel tube inside your penis. Drill a hole through the side of your penis, and put a stainless-steel bolt through the hole and into the side of the tube to hold the tube in place.

Talk about putting a cucumber in your pants... this is like putting iron reinforcing rod in there. Seems like it'd be uncomfortable. Walking around would be a trick, and it seems like it'd set off all sorts of merriment at the airport security screening.

As far as just using things to stimulate the urethra, though, I am amused that there's so many products out there designed to do this. I mean, any hole in your body that feels good, someone will probably want to put something in there. Have I tried it? Sure. It's sort of limited, though... I mean, maybe it's different for girls, but it seems like it'd get in the way of a good time more often than not. And the risk of picking up a urinary tract infection if you're not attentive to cleanliness might make it all unworthwhile.

Weirder yet is the company that makes an electrical version of that urethral sound (basically a metal probe for urologists to clear urethral blockages). It's designed to pair with a stainless-steel item one inserts in one's ass. Plug them both in and run a nice little pulsing electrical charge through your entire genital region.

Isn't that how they get semen from bulls?

Anyway, have you ever done this? Ever put anything "in there" to see how it felt? Send me a note; I'm always curious. Maybe I'll put up a survey and see how widespread this all is.

One of the cats has taken up vomiting as a hobby. He eats, then a few hours later has to bring it back up to have a look at it. There is cat-yack on practically every floor in the house at some time or another during the week. Hhhhhh...

Tonight's assignment is to go out and find commercial frying shortening, and a white button-down shirt. One should be much easier than the other. Right now, I just feel like going and watching football, having a beer, and forgetting about work, cats, and shortening.

I had an amazing dream the other night. Strange thing about it was that it involved a woman I've never met, no one I know, no one who looks like anyone I've ever known. But the sex was amazing. Then I woke up to the sound of Phil, yacking out in the hall.

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