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Never underestimate the power of heels

November 04, 2003 - 5:50 p.m.

I saw Mary briefly last night after work. I had a late birthday gift for her (she turned 39 a few weeks ago) and being with her got me a little stirred up. Maybe it's just Penny not being around, or maybe it's just that Mary and I are tremendously comfortable with each other, but it was just... nice.

And of course, that was a little unsettling to me. I was very glad she had to go off to rehearsal and I had to go back to Baltimore to watch football. It would have been way too easy to be... even more comfortable with her, and neither of us really wants that. I'm happy with Penny, and Mary has some guy named Dave doting on her. "He's odd," she said.

Shit, MARY is odd. I'm odd. Penny is odd. I wouldn't give two shits for anybody who WASN'T odd. And Dave has cats, so that automatically makes him OK.

Mary did like the stuff I got her: a beginner-sort-of PDA (A Sony TJ25 on sale) and a pair of really sexy black patent ankle-strap pumps with 4.5" heels. Yes, I ordered them when we were still dating and Penny was all about Steve... why send them back just because Mary and I are just friends now? Besides, maybe Dave can enjoy them on her. At least someone will get some use out of them! They won't fit anybody else I know.

That, and Mary has really good calves, so they should be shown off. I know I always appreciated them. She's taking some sort of dance class, so no doubt they'll get even better.

I do think about her sometimes. Physically.

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