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I have to learn this

October 09, 2003 - 3:49 p.m.

You know -- and if you've been reading for a while, this shouldn't surprise you -- this "dating just one woman" thing is surprisingly hard to adapt back to. I still find myself horribly curious about attractive women I see. Not just curious-to-look-at but curious-to-touch.

They tell me that's a bad thing.

But seriously. I was downstairs at lunch getting a slice of pizza a few hours ago, and ahead of me in line was a woman, probably 30 or 32, long, dark hair, dark eyes, and terrific calves. She was wearing a white blouse and a long navy blue skirt with a looooooong slit and at the top of it... buttons! All the way up to the waist. I was just about to pass out, it was so sexy and understated. Elegant shoes, sheer stockings, terrific calves and ankles. My damn tactile memory kicked in and I could practically FEEL what her thigh would feel like, what her lips would be like, what it'd be like to bury my face in her hair and have her pull me down on a nice soft bed somewhere and part those calves.

And then I had to pay for my pizza and she walked off to another part of the building.

These little reveries are really hard to live through. The world is still way too damn tempting. Fortunately, Penny is at least as tempting. She and I are going to some sort of reception for a conference she's at in DC Friday night, and she showed me some of the stuff she's packing to wear.

Living through the reveries about strangers is a lot easier when I have her to provide me even better ones.

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