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From Milton Bradley!

August 17, 2003 - 5:24 p.m.

Well, Miss Ann self-selected out of my dating pool Friday afternoon, so you won't be hearing about her any more. I should have taken the advice of my friends, Lori and Gretchen, and bailed out sooner. Ann turned out to have really serious trust and paranoia issues, and if I think about it, did more than a few things that indicated she was an addicted game-player -- and we're not talking about Scrabble.

Rather than spend my Friday evening alone, I called Mary, who was delighted to come down and have dinner with me. She came down, dressed quite tarty, and we went off to dinner and talked. And speaking of game-playing, we went over to the racetrack -- where they also have slots machines and video poker and stuff -- and Mary won $20. All in all, a great night, so we came home and fooled around and Mary stayed over. I am really learning how to make her feel good, and it's terrific, albeit a little loud sometimes. The cat had to leave the room. They don't like sudden loud noises.

Saturday was spent with Kay. Nothing fancy, in fact, we spent almost the entire afternoon and evening talking. About everything. Everything. The guys she's seeing, the women I'm seeing, how we relate to each other, things we like, things we don't like. We went out to dinner, then came home, had some wine, talked a lot more, and then fooled around until we were both quite totally spent. I don't know what she does to me, but we both end up quite happy and totally exhausted. Catatonic.

Kay and I are traveling down to Virginia Beach to meet up with my friend Lori and her new boyfriend. They're coming out from Vegas for a wedding, and we figured we'd catch up with them and have drinks or dinner or something. Then, Kay and I could travel up the coast and explore a little. It's not supposed to be all that hot this weekend. We'll probably end up in Ocean City on Saturday, probably go down to the boardwalk and play games.

It's been that kind of week.

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