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August 12, 2003 - 3:55 p.m.

I was this close to spending a good portion of last night with Ann. She called me, sort of impatient, on the phone last night after I got home and had been working on cleaning... she was feeling lonely and wanted someone to be with her.

I told her, "well, just ask. I'll get in the car and I'll be there in a few minutes. But don't ask if you don't mean it."

She backed off a little. Still, there's that kittenish sound in her voice that says, "I've been without sex long enough, and you are probably as good a candidate as I'll run into this month, so..."

Do not be surprised if her name appears here in the next week or so, with a tactful description of how amazing she was to be with. She's got that clock-spring sort of energy about her, the aura that says, "I may look demure, but don't turn out the lights."

I am looking forward to it.

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