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June 22, 2003 - 10:48 a.m.

I've been a gypsy again for a couple of days. But it's been worth it. I came home early this morning after a bunch of adventures I'll tell you about shortly, and the floors... are incredible. The floor guys came back Saturday morning and recoated the floor so that I could get the high-gloss I asked for, and they are just amazing.

In fact, I'm going to go look at them again right now.

The ceiling really does reflect in the floor. The room is much brighter. It's exactly what I wanted. Finally.

Anyway, my period as a gypsy was interesting. Friday after work, I went up to Penny's, but not before a short trip to the mall. I got some shirts for me, and found Penny some stockings I'd been meaning to ask her to try. Call me silly, but Heather used to wear this kind and they just feel terrific to touch. I actually emailed Heather to ask her what kind they were, and Heather decided she wasn't going to tell me... but I ended up finding them by touch anyway when I went to the mall. Touch memory is a useful thing.

I got up to Penny's, and she was actually still in bed after a nap and was lying around in a bathrobe and little else... we ended up, as often happens, just screwing the living daylights out of each other. We both took showers, ordered a pizza for her son (he tends to eat like a hacker), and then went to Gettysburg for dinner. Penny picked out a nice lightweight skirt and tried on the stockings I got her, which fit. Before we went out the door, though, I made one strategic alteration to the outfit, reaching up her skirt and deftly removing her panties.

"Aha, you've never done that before, have you?" I asked her. No, she hadn't. I told her, "well, taking them off now will save approximately four-tenths of a second when we get home, you know..."

Dinner was good. A small place right on the square in Gettysburg, not jammed with tourists or little kids. Good food, and a long, good conversation. Penny talked some more about how things were with her ex-husband, and talked about why she's so uncertain about seeing other people right now, even though she knows it's probably a good thing.

We drove home fairly leisurely, and got to take advantage of several of the benefits of Penny's outfit -- something else she'd never experienced.

Once home, of course, we pounced all over each other. We do that. She is just so incredibly charged with this raw but focused sexual energy she overwhelms me sometimes. She is just incredible to be with. Even nicer, she's great to sleep next to. We just... fit. We woke each other up again in the early morning, and then somewhat later she got up and started working on things she had to do around the house, leaving me to sleep.

I eventually got up, worked on the tractor once more -- her son had hit a particularly heavy patch of grass and jammed the blade tips on the mower deck, causing the PTO belt to howl -- and then we all bagged grass until it rained. Late in the afternoon, I went down to Baltimore.

That evening, I had long ago scheduled having a second date with someone from Manassas (we'll call her Julie, because that's her name). She's kind of a distant lady, not just physically, but personally. The place we'd agreed to meet was a crowded madhouse, and I was almost ready to just bail, but we ended up having a nice dinner and talking, and feeling basically... no connection. I kinda doubt I'll see her again unless she calls me for some reason, which I doubt she'll do. She had told me she hadn't had many serious relationships in her life, and I guess I can see why. She doesn't seem to "connect" well.

Since I was down in that area, I called Debra and asked her if I could talk her into coming out for a drink, but she said she was almost ready to go to sleep, and suggested I come over there for a while instead.

I went over, and it was almost eerie how easily we kissed at the door and talked for an hour or two before I went home. We decided that we do like to spend time with each other, and that that doesn't have to lead to sex, but a little touch is OK and kinda nice sometimes. She said, "OK, let's give this a shot." I have missed seeing her.

I ended up getting home after 1:00, after being paranoid about all the deer I saw along the shoulder of Route 287 coming up out of Virginia. I was certain all of them were targeting the nose of the new Saab.

Then, I saw the floors.

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