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Dueling blogjos

June 14, 2003 - 6:57 p.m.

Heather has been maintaining a weblog for a while now. She's actually quite good... in person, she doesn't give a lot of hints that she can write, but she most certainly can. I have no idea why she spends as much time as she does talking about... ME. I IM her once in a while, but I have found it sort of interesting how she sees some things. She tells me about this guy, Chuck, she's been seeing. I'm happy for her. I tell her about Penny, and she acts like I'm trying to make her jealous.

What the fuck?

If I wanted to make her jealous, I'd tell her about how terrific Penny is to fool around with. I don't do that. It's none of her business.

Then again, I'm telling you people. And Penny is truly astonishing to be close to.

Heather also sort made a jab at me, saying something about how opinionated I am. Well, yeah. And some people actually like that. Heather probably needs to learn to be opinionated. It would suit her.

Well, hell with it. This is my space, and I don't want to turn it into dueling weblogs. Eventually I'll probably tell Heather know I've been reading her site and that I really appreciate her ability to write. I mentioned to her that I've started this new site, but she had little interest in tracking it down. She had nothing but scorn for the things I wrote about her in my long-running web journal, the one that preceded this and which will probably get revived in a few weeks.

Oh, well.

I am on my way north. My hand, through the miracle of drugs and chemicals, isn't so bad as it was earlier. It was incredibly painful this morning. Try driving when your gearshift hand is feeling like it took a shrapnel hit. I went over to WalRusMart and got a new toilet seat, some tools, some drugs, and some microwave food. On the way back, I stopped off at the Shrimp Guy and got some big-ass fresh shrimp.

No sign of Piper, Margaret and Phil today. I will put some food out tomorrow.

The new Saab now has the goos stereo in it. All is well.

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