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Dirty overload, a new phone, and maybe a new site

February 16, 2008 - 9:45 p.m.

I'm replacing my phone, finally. I got sick of fooling with it, and they "reassigned" my Blackberry at work, so scruit, I went and ordered a BlackBerry 8800. Pretty decent deal on it, and it'll show up sometime this week. It doesn't do WiFi, but it does do GPS and email and web and all that, so it should be fine.

Since when did the Discovery Channel suddenly become the Dirty Jobs Channel? Lately it's like there's never anything else on. bring back the Ice Road Truckers or American Chopper, but get Mike Rowe something else to do.

I am making pizza tonight. A couple of years ago, I got a used WelBilt bread maker, one of the ones that looks like R2-D2. It sat for a couple of years until I pulled it out tonight, threw flour, yeast, salt, water and olive oil in there, and it churned away. The oven is now almost up to temperature, 550 degrees, so it'll be time to make some sauce and spread the dough out on the stone. I used to make pizza a lot, sometimes doing half a dozen pizzas in a night at big parties in the Nineties, but haven't made one in a few years now. We'll see how it turns out.

Sam was out hopping around the house earlier. His massive growth seems to have slowed a little. We need to talk to him about that.

I am considering joining the people leaving Diaryland. I've been on here for nearly five years, but I would kinda like to be on a site that does out-of-network promotion. The only thing I'm trying to figure out is whether it's possible to download the hundreds of posts I've made on here. If anyone's figured out how to do it, short of just crawling the site, let me know.

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