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Lookit the SIZE of that thing!

January 17, 2008 - 10:29 a.m.


This... is ML Samuel Gompers, or just "Sam," when he's being casual.

He. Is. Enormous.

Right now, he is a little over nine weeks old, and he is larger than Ben was when he was five MONTHS old.

His personality is quite different. He tends to hop around the bed a lot, and has a morbid dislike of this pie pan I have in the windowsill to use as a plant water tray. He picks it up and throws it around for quite a while when he sees it.

The cats are pretty much indifferent, like, "OK, another big wabbit." The other wabbits aren't sure what to make of him.

Sam is from a different breeder than Ben, and this breeder specializes pretty much only in Flemish Giants, whereas Ben's breeder was more experienced with small wabbits and had just gotten into Flemish. This breeder had well over a dozen majestic giant wabbits and quite a few kits around, ranging from four to nine weeks old, including three other brothers of Sam.

They're also quite a bit easier to get to than the other breeder, even though they're technically in the same town.

He's been here since Sunday, and he is gigantic. He likes to lick things and nibble on things (including my eyebrow, my shirt, and pillowcases). He doesn't seem much interested in carrots, though if you annoy him with one he'll pick it up and throw it across the room.

He should be an adventure. And there's a giant wabbit in the house again.

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